
YoriVET PhD Workshop

Day 1: 01.10.2020 Timetable


Focus: Research on VET


Input: Research on international comparative VET (Prof. Dr. Matthias Pilz)


15-minute break

15:45 Systematic Reviews - a neglected method in international research? (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Gessler) Conception and method with quantitative approaches (Dr. Christof Nägele)

Recap with peers



Day 1 Workshop Description and Zoom-Links

Workshop 1 (14:00-15:30): Input: Research in international comparative VET

Prof. Dr. Matthias Pilz


Workshop 2 (15:45-17:15): Systematic Reviews - a neglected method in international research?

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.  Michael Gessler


Workshop 3 (15:45-17:15): Conception and method with quantitative approaches

Dr. Christof Nägele


Recap with peers (17:15 - 18:00)


Day 2: 08.10.2020 Timetable

Time Focus: PhD
14:00 PhD Presentations and feedback in clustergroups (Group 1: Prof. Dr. Dietmar Frommberger
Group 2: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Gessler Group 3: PD Dr. habil Roland Happ)
15:30 15-minute break
15:45 Lessons Learnt 1 - reports from post-docs (Dr. Susanne Peters & Dr. Janis Vossiek) Lessons Learnt 2 - reports from post-docs (Dr. Larissa Holle, Dr. Léna Krichewsky-Wegener)
17:15 Recap with peers



Day 2 Workshop Description and Zoom-Links

Feedback round (Group 1) (14:00-15:30):

Prof Dr. Dietmar Frommberger


Feedback round (Group 2) (14:00-15:30):

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Gessler


Feedback round (Group 3) (14:00-15:30):

PD Dr. habil Roland Happ


Report: Lessons learnt (Group 1) (15:45-17:15):

Dr. Susanne Peters

Dissertation Title: Bildungstransfer im Unternehmenskontext (Link)


Dr. Janis Vossiek

Dissertation Title: Collective Skill Formation in Liberal Market Economies? (Link)


Report: Lessons learnt (Group 2) (15:45-17:15):

Dr. Larissa Holle

Dissertation Title: Personalstrategische Maßnahmen von deutschen Unternehmen in China (Link)


Dr. Léna Krichewsky-Wegener

Dissertation Title: Lernen durch Auslandsaufenthalte in der Berufsausbildung (Link)


Recap with peers (17:15 - 18:00)


Day 3: 15.10.2020 Timetable

Time Focus: Project management
14:00 Project management (Dr. Kristina Kühn)
15:30 15-minute break
15:45 Project management (Dr. Kristina Kühn)
17:15 Recap with peers
18:00 End


Day 3 Workshop Description and Zoom-Links

Workshop: Project management (14:00-15:30 & 15:45-17:15):

Dr. Kristina Kühn


Recap with peers (17:15 - 18:00)


Zoom etiquette


To ensure a smooth process, it is recommended that all participants in the digital event adhere to certain rules of conduct. We therefore ask you to familiarize yourself with our Zoom etiquette in advance:

  • Please use your full name when using Zoom. Please also include your project acronym and your institution.
  • We ask you to turn on your microphone only when you want to speak. By doing so, you help to reduce noise and contribute to a smooth technical process.
  • We would be pleased if as many participants as possible could attend the event with video images. Especially for speeches we would appreciate it if you activate your video.
  • You may use the Zoom chat function at any time during the event. The moderator may not react immediately to your questions and comments in the chat, but they will do so at a suitable point in the program. Please note that the chat history will be saved and evaluated after the event to ensure results and for evaluation purposes.