Wir freuen uns, mit folgenden Beiträgen an der diesjährigen Konferenz der Comparative & International Education Society vom 18. bis zum 22. April 2022 teilnehmen zu können.



CIES 2022

Nguyen, H. L., Bohlinger, S., Scheuch, I. & Bieß, A. (2022). Meta-Study on the Monitoring and Evaluation of International Research Projects in Vocational Education and Training [Paper, accepted].

Bohlinger, S., Bieß, A., Nguyen, H. L. & Scheuch, I. (2022). How is education policy steered? Understanding education policy in multilevel governance systems: The case of the European Union [Paper, accepted].

Scheuch, I., Bohlinger, S., Bieß, A. & Nguyen, H. L. (2022). MP-INVET Project: Collaborative research network in international vocational education and training (VET) [Paper, accepted].

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